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Function Index: S -- X

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Index Entry Section

save-stacking-order8.5 Window Stacking
screen-height17.3 Display Functions
screen-width17.3 Display Functions
search-keymap15. Keymaps
send-client-message17.5 Other Functions
server-grabbed-p17.2 Grab Functions
set-frame-for-window10.6 Frame Styles
set-frame-part-value10.2 Frame Part Classes
set-image-border6. Images
set-image-modifier6. Images
set-image-shape-color6. Images
set-input-focus8.3 Input Focus
set-window-depth8.5 Window Stacking
set-window-frame10.4 Frame Functions
set-window-frame-style10.6 Frame Styles
set-x-property8.4 X Properties
set-x-text-property8.4 X Properties
shade-window8.9 Shading Windows
show-window8.7 Showing and Hiding Windows
sm-add-saved-properties20. Session Management
stack-window-above8.5 Window Stacking
stack-window-below8.5 Window Stacking
stacking-order8.5 Window Stacking
stacking-order-by-depth8.5 Window Stacking
sync-server17.5 Other Functions

text-width5. Fonts
tile-image6. Images
toggle-window-shaded8.9 Shading Windows

unbind-keys15. Keymaps
ungrab-keyboard17.2 Grab Functions
ungrab-pointer17.2 Grab Functions
ungrab-server17.2 Grab Functions
uniconify-window8.10 Iconifying Windows
unmaximize-window8.11 Maximizing Windows
unshade-window8.9 Shading Windows

warp-cursor17.1 Pointer Functions
warp-cursor-to-window17.1 Pointer Functions
window-dimensions8.2 Window Attributes
window-frame10.4 Frame Functions
window-frame-dimensions10.4 Frame Functions
window-frame-offset10.4 Frame Functions
window-framed-p10.4 Frame Functions
window-full-name8.2 Window Attributes
window-get8.1 Window Property Lists
window-group-id8.2 Window Attributes
window-icon-name8.2 Window Attributes
window-id8.2 Window Attributes
window-mapped-p8.2 Window Attributes
window-maximized-horizontally-p8.11 Maximizing Windows
window-maximized-p8.11 Maximizing Windows
window-maximized-vertically-p8.11 Maximizing Windows
window-name8.2 Window Attributes
window-on-top-p8.5 Window Stacking
window-order8.3 Input Focus
window-order-focus-most-recent8.3 Input Focus
window-order-pop8.3 Input Focus
window-order-push8.3 Input Focus
window-position8.2 Window Attributes
window-put8.1 Window Property Lists
window-shaped-p8.2 Window Attributes
window-size-hints8.2 Window Attributes
window-transient-p8.2 Window Attributes
window-type10.5 Frame Types
window-visibility8.2 Window Attributes
window-visible-p8.7 Showing and Hiding Windows
window-wants-input-p8.2 Window Attributes
windowp8. Windows
with-server-grabbed17.2 Grab Functions

x-atom17.5 Other Functions
x-atom-name17.5 Other Functions
x-events-queued16. Event Loop
x-kill-client8.8 Destroying Windows
x-raise-window8.5 Window Stacking

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